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Profit of Textile Sector in Zhejiang Province breaking RMB 10 billion yuan

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Though the price of raw material was lifted and international textile trade friction was heated, the reformed and upgraded textile and apparel industry in Zhejiang Province still achieved the profit of RMB 18.07 billion yuan in the year of 2005, reflecting an increase of 25.6% year on year. Textile industry is still the pillar industry in the Province.

The profit of textile sector reached RMB 11.001 billion yuan, breaking RMB 10 billion for the first time and accounting for 26.1% of the total profit among the counterparts in China. This means that every 100 yuan earned by China textile sector, 26 yuan is earned by companies in Zhejiang.

In 2005, Zhejiang kept the constant export increase. The textile and apparel export reached US$ 24.435 billion dollars, accounting for 21.24% of the total export value in China.

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