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US Issued the latest Report on Export of Restricted Textile Products before Mar.10, 2006

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US has begun to impose tight quotas on 22 catalogs of Chinese textiles and apparel from Jan.1, 2006 to the end of this year, including (338/339)cotton knit shirts, (347/348)cotton trousers, (352/652)cotton & fiber underwear, (638/639)fiber knit shirts , (647/648)fiber trousers, (340/640)cotton & fiber tat shirts, (301)combed cotton yarn and so on. US issued a report on the accumulated export amounts of textile products involved before Mar. 10, 2006 as follows:



Embargoed Time


Accumulated Export Amount

Rate of Progress

Embargoed Amount
200/301 sewing thread/combed cotton yarn Jan. 1 kg 7,529,582 1.7 130532
222 knit fabric Jan. 1 kg 15,966,487 5.6 896239
229 special purpose fabric Jan. 1 kg 33,162,0191.8 2.2 745361
332/432/632-T socks Jan. 1 dozen 64,386,841 13.4 8646641
332/432/632-B socks Jan. 1 dozen 61,146,461 14.0 8537733
338/339 cotton knit shirts Jan. 1   dozen 20,822,111 4.4 913983
340/640 cotton & fiber tat shirts  Jan. 1   dozen 6,743,644 7.5 504512
347/348  cotton trousers Jan. 1   dozen 19,666,049 6.9 1348833
349/649 cotton & fiber corset Jan. 1 dozen 22,785,906 4.6 1046078
352/652   cotton & fiber underwear Jan. 1   dozen 18,948,937 4.5 859054
359S/659S swimwear Jan. 1 kg 4,590,626 8.9 409410
363 Pile towels Jan. 1 no 103,316,873 6.6 6837570
443 wool suits, men’s and boys’ Jan. 1 no 1,346,082 4.9 65898
447 wool trousers, men’s and boys’ Jan. 1 dozen 215,004 4.2 9082
619 polyester filament Jan. 1 square meter 55,308,506 0.8 462704
620 synthetic fabrics Jan. 1 square meter 80,197,248 1.4 1104648
622 glass fabric Jan. 1 square meter 32,265,013 1.7 536172
638/639  fiber knit shirts  Jan. 1  dozen 8,060,063 5.2 416904
345/645/646 sweaters Jan. 1 dozen 8,179,211 1.1 90905
647/648 fiber trousers Jan. 1   dozen 7,960,355 8.6 687645
666 pt: window blinds/window shades Jan. 1 kg 964,014 1.4 13812
847 silk and other vegetable fiber trousers Jan. 1   dozen 17,647,255 8.9 1563819
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