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Specialty Market, An Investment Hot Spot

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Under the influences of the continuously prosperous commercial estate investments over the past 3 years, the textile clothing specialty markets are still preferable in present days, and they have attracted the close attentions of the foreign funds.

On May 10, Mr. QianJin, the secretary-general of the China Textile Clothing Specialty Market League, gave Mr. ZhouXiwen, CEO of American Fund Investment Consultant Company a welcome. Mr. Zhou came in china with the only purpose of consulting about the investments of American funds to the Chinese textile clothing specialty markets. He expressed that the oversea capitals used to focus on the high-tech, biological and Internet industries of China; and they only invested on the exploitations of commercial buildings and commercial districts when they want to enter the estate industries. But this time they took a fancy to the traditional clothing specialty markets. Through the investigations and analysis they considered that the investments to the textile clothing specialty markets in China deserve attentions and will have better outputs in after 10 years.

Besides, it was known that the Kasen International Holding Limited which had successful businesses in Zhejiang province would co-operate with China Haining Leather City to build many urban construction specialty markets in the inner china.

Wuxi Oriental International Light Textile City and Wuxi New World International Textile Clothing City opened in March of this year successively, and there will be many new markets to open in the last half of this year such as Shanghai Clothing city, Chongqing Shengshijinyuan Trade City, Sijiqing Anhui Woman Clothing Market, Jiangsu Gaoyou Textile Clothing city, Zhengzhou Shimao Trade City M District, Tongxiang Puyuan Knitted Sweater Market Trade City and Chongdu Shangdu Finery Square etc.  

As for specialty markets, it is necessary to focus on the constructions of the professional business teams. The hot investments to the specialty markets made the professional talent-teams lacking, and out of the completions of the single estate exploitations and among the long-term market administrations are more needed the professional business teams.

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