

China Knitting Machine Imports by Origin in Jan.-Feb. 2009

Source: CTEI | Date: 2009-04-27

CNTEX Exclusive: Chinahas become the largest producer of textile machinery in the world, delivering the most diversified and the largest quantity of products, while its import has also been increasing at a high speed in recent years. This monthly update provides official CNTAC (China National Textile & Apparel Council ) data on China import of knitting machine.

Country of origin Accumulated value ($10,000 ) Accumulated unit value ($10,000/ set) Y-on-Y Change (value, %) Y-on-Y Change (unit value, %)
Germany 4887 5.52 -49.4 -20.63
Japan 2565 2.9 -46.98 -15.38
Italy 984 5.13 6.98 136.25
Hongkong 274 3.7 / /
China's Taiwan 99 0.63 -81.62 -44.74

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