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Hong Kong : CBP announces ICP on marking textile supplies

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Trade and Industry Department, Hong Kong (TID) announced the US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has recently issued an informed compliance publication (ICP) entitled "What Every Member of the Trade Community Should Know About: Marking Requirements for Wearing Apparel".

The ICP provides guidance and useful information on the marking requirements for textile and apparel articles imported into the US. For example, the name of the country of origin is required to be marked by means of a fabric label for most wearing apparel items; the country of origin labels must be placed on the "inside center of the neck midway between the shoulder seams" for shirts, blouses, coats, sweaters, dresses and similar apparel or in a conspicuous location such as "the inside of the waistband" for trousers, slacks, jeans and similar apparels; information on fibre contents, by percentage in descending order by weight, using generic fibre names must be provided on labels/marks etc..

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