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China to restrict textile exports to SA

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China has made a commitment that their government will restrict China's textile exports to SA
Wen Jiabao, the Chinese premier, has made a commitment that his government will restrict China's textile exports to South Africa in order to ensure the stability of this country's clothing industry. Wen was speaking in Cape Town after talks with President Thabo Mbeki. The meeting resulted in the signing of 14 agreements affecting sectors such as agriculture, minerals and energy and trade.

China has been heavily criticised for its cheap textile exports that cause unemployment. Speaking through a translator, Wen said the textile controversy would not compromise relations between South Africa and China. "We are willing to take self-restrictive steps and measures to restrict China's exports to SA in order to ensure the stability in the textile market in this country," Wen said.

He said that President Mbeki has made very positive responses to their discussions of self-resticted exports and "we both agree that the issues in the textile trade would in no way compromise the overall economic relations and trade between the two countries".


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