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More than 300 delegates attend 80th IWTO Congress 2011

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The International Wool Textile Organisation (IWTO) is expecting more than 300 delegates from 30 different countries at this year’s annual IWTO Congress in Hangzhou, China, on May 09-11, 2011. Among the participants are representatives from the United Nations (UN), the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) as well as various high level governmental delegations.

This year’s IWTO Congress runs under the theme ‘Sustainability — Guaranteed by Wool’. Being a natural, renewable and biodegradable fibre, sustainability is one of wool’s greatest assets.

Top leading wool industry members will develop strategies on how the industry can benefit from wool’s sustainable characteristics and at the same time meet current trends. Other issues like the current price levels for raw materials as well as new technological developments will be discussed as well.

The IWTO Congress is an annual meeting point for the whole wool industry covering the wool demand chain, from wool growers to retailers.

IWTO is the international body representing the interests of the world’s wool textile trade and industry. Our multi-national membership includes woolgrowers, traders, primary processors, spinners, weavers, and garment manufacturers, together with retailers and other companies involved in wool related businesses.
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