

What is CEMATEX?

Source: CCPIT TEX | Date: 2006-05-18
CEMATEX (Comité Européen des Constructeurs de Machines Textiles) is an organisation comprising 9 national European textile machinery associations in the free market economy
SYMATEX, Belgium   AMTEX, Spain
UCMTF, France   TMAS, Sweden
VDMA, Germany   Swissmem, Switzerland
GTM, Netherlands    
President - Edward Roberts (Netherlands)
Secretary General - Maria Avery


The Role of CEMATEX

To promote and strengthen the textile machinery industry of its member associations

To preserve the role of ITMA as the world’s premier exhibition of textile machinery

Exhibition policy is the core business of CEMATEX, and as the owner of the ITMA shows in Europe and Asia it aims at a reasonable exhibition cycle and concentration on a very limited number of exhibitions in the interest of its members and to the benefit of their customers

To represent the European textile machinery industry vis-à-vis the EU and its bodies by-
  • making itself known as a stakeholder in the textile machinery industry
  • keeping regular contacts with key EU Officials
  • monitoring and influencing regulations in the field of industrial policy and other fields relevant for the textile machinery industry
To take the lead for the creation of a ‘World Forum of Textile Technology’
To follow an open and responsive communication policy towards the EU and other official bodies, specialised media, scientists, economists and other individuals as well as towards other organisations
To be open to cooperation with other associations in the textile machinery, engineering and textile industries and other organisations pursuing similar objectives

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