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Invitation to Technical Seminar at CITME 2006

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Dear Sir / Madam,

The exhibitors to attend CITME 2006 in Beijing will be given opportunities to hold seminars which are widely considered as the best way to have Chinese end-users informed of your advanced techniques and equipment and as a very effective means to realize trade possibilities. Technical seminar topics should be proposed by the exhibitors. The request of proposed seminar topics and seminar dates will then be finalized by the organizer. Usually each seminar will last for a maximum time of 2.5 hours. Your splendid Seminar would be surely delighted by the Chinese customers!
Your attendance to CITME 2004 Seminar as a speaker would be appreciated!

Please fill in the following attachment and send to CITME 2006 Seminar Group at:

Fax: 86 10 8522 9196
Tel: 86 10 8522 9096
 E-mai: Mr. Mike Han: han@ccpittex.com
or Mr. David Li:  david.li@citme.org

For the more information, please visit our website at: www.citme.com.cn

Do not hesitate to let me have if you have any questions.

Best regards

Mike Han

For Technical Seminar Group of CITME 2006


Technical Seminar for CITME 2006

Seminar Fee: USD600./ seminar
Duration:    Maximum 2.5 hours
Inclusive of:  Seminar room, writing broad and pen
Period:       Oct. 17 – 21, 2006
Venue:       General Service Building, China International Exhibition Center, Beijing


Telephone:                           Fax:                                  

Contact Person:                       Booth No.                             

We apply to hold               seminar(s) during the exhibition period.
(please photocopy this form if propose more than one seminar, use one sheet for each seminar)
Seminar Topic:                                                                           



Speaker Name & Title:                                                        

Language Spoken:                                                           

Preference Date : 1 st Choice:                    2nd Choice:                     

Please specify if extra equipment is required,  we will quote upon request:


1. The full seminar text should reach Hongkong Expositions Ltd. by Sep. 31, 2006.
2.In order to get good results, it is advisable that seminar papers should be prepared in both English & Chinese.
3.The organizers cannot guarantee the date of seminar required.
4.The organizers reserves the right to decline any application(s).

Date:                                 Signature or Stamp:                             

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